101 N 7th StPetersburg, IL

Dan Sperry

The Real Estate Group
  • List Price
  • Square Feet
Broadgauge was built in 1872 as central illinois’ first “mega-store”, with three stores under one roof, Hardware, Grocery, and Dry Goods.

In 2021 Broadgauge was fully restored to its original architectural glory and redeveloped into a restaurant and events venue.

The 2021 restoration received approval by the Illinois State Architect and the National Park Service as meeting the standards of a Historic Preservation Project.

In 2022, the restoration of Broadgauge won the “Adaptive Reuse” Richard Driehaus award from the preservation organization Landmarks Illinois. https://www.landmarks.org/preservation-programs/richard-h-driehaus-foundation-preservation-awards/broadgauge-petersburg/

During the restoration of Broadgauge, it was redeveloped into a hospitality center, with a restaurant and coffee shop/bakery on the first floor and event space on the second floor.

A full kitchen for the restaurant and catering was added, as well as dishpit, walk-in cooler and freezer. The building will be sold fully equipped and elegantly furnished.

The first floor dining room features original woodwork, from the floor to the ceiling, with the Double-sided Grand Staircase and the Mezzanine being eye catching features.

A 40 ft white granite topped bar was added underneath the Mezzanine.

The restaurant comfortably can sit 90, plus bar and mezzanine seating.

All equipment and furnishings will be included.

Branding and digital properties will be included, including broadgauge.com and the Broadgauge facebook page with 23k followers.

Dan Sperry

The Real Estate Group
3701 Wabash Ave
Springfield, IL 62711
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